In this second step, together with the customer, Safety System Integration activities are planned, such as:

  • Installation of fixed or movable interlocked guards on board the machine. The guards are made and sized as per EN standards, taking into account the maneuvering spaces and the distance between the parts to be protected and the guard itself.
  • Installation of modular perimeter guards. Some areas or the complete Plant are entirely segregated to make them inaccessible during the automatic production cycle. Access modes are planned compatibly with production requirements: gates with access request pushbuttons or photoelectric barriers. In this case, the operating conditions for safe access to the machines are evaluated (complete stop of handling, handling at reduced speed, keeping the load lifted, etc.).
  • Overhaul of the Power and/or Command and Control Electrical System. This activity basically consists of total or partial overhaul of the machines’ power circuits, switchboard and automation-related part (especially the independent emergency circuit).

It is very important to understand, especially on large installations, the logic of operation of the emergency stop functions (mushroom buttons, ropes, sensitive edges, light curtains,..) that must be managed through a dedicated circuit (safety modules, PLC safety).


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